Title: Bats
Intro: Hello, I take it you want too learn about bats. Well I’ve got some information for you!
Information: Did you know that bats can live for over 30 years? Probably not, But now you do.
There are over 1,000 different species of bats, the most common bat is the hoary bat but the rarest bat is the sheath tailed bat.
Most bats live in caves. bats are insectivores, which means they eat insects such as frogs, lizards, anteaters and more. Baby bats are called pups. Did you know bats can eat 1,200 mosquitos an hour, Thats alot of mosquitos gone in an hour If you ask me .
Conclusion: Bats are strange species don’t you think? Well after writing about bats makes me want one. But not as much as I would like a axolotl, sorry… that was out of the subject.
Thanks for giving me Information on Bats this is really interesting, I never knew this kind of stuff but now I do. But Why do you want a pet Bat? is there a Reason?, I Love Axolotl's their Cute! but anyways that's all I Wanted to say, Keep it up your doing Fantastic!