Tuesday, 7 December 2021
Thursday, 2 December 2021
Friday, 26 November 2021
monster presentaion
Cybersmart challenge,
Thursday, 21 October 2021
Monday, 27 September 2021
Waka waka eh eh
hi miss tipene... I borrowed my brothers borrowed chromebook from tamaki collage... and my nan told me to do my work T^T
so this is the just dance prentation we had or hav to do. If its the wrong work then... ok.
Thursday, 12 August 2021
Monday, 2 August 2021
Tuesday, 6 July 2021
About me poster

About me poster!
This was for team 5's 16th? Cyber-smart challenge
I like anime and memes If you couldn't tell already ;-;
Monday, 5 July 2021
Today I will be sharing my thoughts about leadership. But, before I move forward with this speech, I would like to thank and welcome everyone in the audience for giving me the chance to talk to you about leadership. I hope you enjoy as I give you some information on what leadership is
A Leader Leads everyone to the best path possible, they believe you can do anything and everything if you put your mind to it.
I’m not so much of a leader but this is what I know
Being a leader is stepping up, helping others and sorts.
Being a leader isn’t so easy, It includes a lot of qualities.
Leaders don’t have to push you to listen to them because you already know that they have the truth and will help you understand. You can always depend on a leader.
Friday, 2 July 2021
Monday, 28 June 2021
Rainbows end trip
Rainbows end
I think it was june the third 2021
I thought I’d take my last breath. Me and my best friend got too meet rainbows end for the second time. It was long time know see. We went on a few rides before going on the serious rides, we went on 7 trips and rides total but I can’t tell you the correct order of rides and trips we went on.
Gold rush:
Gold rush was very bumpy but not as scary as other rides would be.
This ride is country/wild west themed.
The Invader is not so scary.
But it could be for lots of people, I can’t really explain how terrifying it is because it’s really not so hard too bare. You could have a headache if you’re a ordinary person with rides.
I have written this independently
To be continued… maybe
Thursday, 24 June 2021
One piece pirate ship animation!!!
One piece boat animation
Finally a cool cyber smart challenge... kinda
i'm joking all the cybersmart challenges are good... kinda
Wednesday, 23 June 2021
Friday, 18 June 2021
Title: Bats
Intro: Hello, I take it you want too learn about bats. Well I’ve got some information for you!
Information: Did you know that bats can live for over 30 years? Probably not, But now you do.
There are over 1,000 different species of bats, the most common bat is the hoary bat but the rarest bat is the sheath tailed bat.
Most bats live in caves. bats are insectivores, which means they eat insects such as frogs, lizards, anteaters and more. Baby bats are called pups. Did you know bats can eat 1,200 mosquitos an hour, Thats alot of mosquitos gone in an hour If you ask me .
Conclusion: Bats are strange species don’t you think? Well after writing about bats makes me want one. But not as much as I would like a axolotl, sorry… that was out of the subject.
Free writing
My favorite things to do at school are probably playing and talking to my best friend and cousins during morning tea time and lunch.
When I’m at home I enjoy watching youtube,anime and sorts, to be honest my favorite shows are probably hunter x hunter and one piece
I haven't finished them yet but they're my favorites so far.
Dogs… dogs are cute, but sometimes, they scare me.
I have a dog at home named gizzy but he doesn’t exactly treat me like family, ‘’Why?’’ You ask, well, I.. don’t.. know. He bites me all the time and I have know clue why, He’s only a puppy so I don’t discipline him.
I once went to rainbows end for one of my cousins birthdays and it was amazing so I guess we could count that as a favorite thing, going to rainbows end.
Thursday, 10 June 2021
Wednesday, 9 June 2021
Monday, 31 May 2021
Friday, 21 May 2021
Thursday, 20 May 2021
Whats in the water
What is water?
Whats in the water?
Lets find out!
Monday, 10 May 2021
Rotuman language week
Rotuman language week
Information report
Noa’ia! That's hello in rotuman language. My information report today will share with you some facts
about rotuma
Location: Rotuma is pinned in the southern hemisphere with all of the pacific Islands around it.
To the north we have nuvalu and the east we have samoa to the south theres fiji and the west, vanuatu
Population: Rotuma has less than 2000 people living on it. Tuvalu has more than 11,000 and
samoa has more than 197,000 people on it, fiji has more 800,000 people living on it and last but not
least theres vanuatu, vanuatu has more than 300,000 people
Language: Rotumans don’t just speak rotuma but they also speak english. There are about
15,000 rotuma speakers left.
The subject is about rotuma
A Island in the pacifcs. It isn’t a popular country or well known but it is special for some people.
Thursday, 6 May 2021
Wednesday, 5 May 2021
Facts on kiwi kids news
I've seen something about this on youtube a few months ago

I found these acrticles on kiwi kids news and red them for litracy
I learnt a few facts on this site
Friday, 2 April 2021
Pick a path
about a week ago my class had to do a pick a path about different
country's and what the country's do and facts so you could say we are doing
research and writing.
Wednesday, 31 March 2021
Ready for google meets!
Where doing Cybersmart and soon it'll be lockdown. be prepared
Tuesday, 30 March 2021
Friday, 26 March 2021
T1Wk5 What do I know about Statistics?
This is what I know about it. this was in week 5 but I finally posted it.
Thursday, 25 March 2021
MATHS T1 WK7 2021
and I finished it now.
Tuesday, 23 March 2021
If I could go around the world where would I go
My first Idea was to go to japan but I knew I'd never know how to talk Japanese.
So I thought I should go somewhere that speaks english.
Monday, 22 March 2021
Saturday, 20 March 2021
Someone came over And spoke to the whole of team 5.
What Happend?
Friday, 19 March 2021
Kelly T1WK6 Mult/Div Maths
We were learning Multiples and Division.
Thursday, 25 February 2021
Ngatu quiz.
Ngatu - Keeping the Tradition Alive
What are the two main reasons the women and
girls come together?
> To make cloths
How often do they meet?
Why is ngatu considered a treasure?
>it was passed down
What are 4 different uses for ngatu?
> blaket, cloth, clothes and mats
Why is ngatu considered a treasure?
>when new borns come they are wrapped in ngatu
What are some of the design elements that might get painted on the ngatu?
>tokelaufeletoa, fata ‘o tu’i tong and, manulua
Of the 10 steps shown on page 7 which aspect is a modern not traditional adaptation (change)
Why do you think some adaptations are sometimes needed?
>they carry the nagtu outside and unroll it so it can dry outside
Why do you think it is important to keep traditions alive?
> It was paced down from generations and the next generation thinks its nice to keep it alive. And they have to use it to make stuff.
Wednesday, 24 February 2021
Ngatu Writing explaination
WALT: To write an effective explanation.
Title: Why It Is Important To Keep The Art Of Ngatu/Tapa/Aute Making Alive.
Introduction: where learning about ngatu tonga. Ngatu tonga is traditional for tongans which they do with ngatu is used for ceremonies and made very carefully by females. And i’m doing research on what ngatu is used for.
You see its important to keep this traditional to tongan. ngatu was used for quite some time by tongan ancestors but its not just because of that that they make ngatu. Its also used for some stuff, such as using it for blankets, mats, Ceremonies, clothes, cloths, decoration, and for new born and when someone pass’s away and than wrapped in ngatu.
It is important to keep this artform alive because
Its tradition for tongan familys.
Design Ngatu pattern
Its not really a ngatu pattern but its a design. sorry ;w;
I couldn't be bothered to do an actual design. But I think This is good enough.
In litracy we learnt about ngatu and how its made.
Tuesday, 23 February 2021
Thursday, 18 February 2021
Kelly and Harmony's Subtraction task
Me and harmony worked together on this task during level 3 2021 at home.