About me poster!
This was for team 5's 16th? Cyber-smart challenge
I like anime and memes If you couldn't tell already ;-;
Today I will be sharing my thoughts about leadership. But, before I move forward with this speech, I would like to thank and welcome everyone in the audience for giving me the chance to talk to you about leadership. I hope you enjoy as I give you some information on what leadership is
A Leader Leads everyone to the best path possible, they believe you can do anything and everything if you put your mind to it.
I’m not so much of a leader but this is what I know
Being a leader is stepping up, helping others and sorts.
Being a leader isn’t so easy, It includes a lot of qualities.
Leaders don’t have to push you to listen to them because you already know that they have the truth and will help you understand. You can always depend on a leader.