Ngatu - Keeping the Tradition Alive
What are the two main reasons the women and
girls come together?
> To make cloths
How often do they meet?
Why is ngatu considered a treasure?
>it was passed down
What are 4 different uses for ngatu?
> blaket, cloth, clothes and mats
Why is ngatu considered a treasure?
>when new borns come they are wrapped in ngatu
What are some of the design elements that might get painted on the ngatu?
>tokelaufeletoa, fata ‘o tu’i tong and, manulua
Of the 10 steps shown on page 7 which aspect is a modern not traditional adaptation (change)
Why do you think some adaptations are sometimes needed?
>they carry the nagtu outside and unroll it so it can dry outside
Why do you think it is important to keep traditions alive?
> It was paced down from generations and the next generation thinks its nice to keep it alive. And they have to use it to make stuff.