Monday, 10 December 2018

My Dream Job

I want to be a You Tuber because u get money if everyone likes your video. I will make slime videos when i'm 17. 

Tuesday, 27 November 2018

Shape Picture

                                                                   I have made a person.
                                                                 My picture uses 2 circles.
                                                                         2 full circles.
                                                                         4 half circles.
                                                                       8 quarter circles.
                                                                       8 Eighth circles.

Wednesday, 14 November 2018


Make a tile that fits the following maths ideas.

  • Alternate the small squares around the outside of the tile.
  • Place the triangles and rectangle in the centre of the tile.

What is the perimeter of a small square? 20cm

What is the area of the yellow rectangle?

How many small squares do you need for the tile? 12

How many triangles are the same size as one rectangle 2

How many small squares fit in side of the rectangle? 2

Wednesday, 12 September 2018

My New Duffy Book

this is my new duffy book.
it is called lego star wars
by arle kaplan
thank you dominion construction for donating books to our school.